Translations - Leaflets
Translations of all the PROTECT-EUROPE leaflets in Bulgarian, Croatian, French, Georgian, Italian, Montenegrin, Romanian, Slovenian, Turkish.
DownloadTranslations - Posters
Translations of all the PROTECT-EUROPE posters in Bulgarian, Croatian, French, Georgian, Italian, Montenegrin, Romanian, Slovenian, Turkish.
DownloadVideo - What Are the Views of Young People on HPV Vaccination?
This short video for social media explains how to better involve young people in HPV vaccination.
Visit websiteVideo - Webinar 2: Effective Online Resources and Strategies to Increase Vaccination
The second PROTECT-EUROPE webinar introduced effective online resources and strategies to increase vaccination. This webinar was led by Dr. Clare Louise Bennett and Professor Daniel Kelly, focusing on innovative approaches to drive vaccination uptake. We learned effective practices of digital, peer to peer and in-person strategies.
Visit websitePoster - Strategies to increase HPV vaccination rates using public health campaigns
A poster with suggestions on evidence-based public health campaigns and digital media.
DownloadLeaflet - Strategies to increase HPV vaccination rates using public health campaigns
A leaflet with suggestions on evidence-based public health campaigns and digital media.
DownloadPoster - Engaging diverse groups in HPV vaccination
A poster with recommendations on how to engage a diverse multi-background patient population in your public health and vaccination campaign.
DownloadLeaflet - Engaging diverse groups in HPV vaccination
A leaflet with recommendations on how to engage a diverse multi-background patient population in your public health and vaccination campaign.
DownloadPoster - Effective interventions to promote HPV vaccination uptake
A poster with recommendations on the best practices and proven methods to promote vaccination uptake.