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Research Articles


PROTECT-EUROPE Academic Publication - How to overcome information and communication barriers in Human Papillomavirus vaccination?


A SWOT analysis based on the opinions of European family doctors in contact with young people and their parents.

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PROTECT-EUROPE Academic Publication: Healthcare Professionals’ Perspectives on HPV Recommendations


The objectives of this exploratory study are to identify which themes are most frequently raised during the recommendation of vaccination to minors based on the characteristics of the population (religion, region of origin, gender, level of education and language proficiency) and to collect strategies to improve communication with a diverse population.

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HPV World: The Bourgogne-Franche-Comté HPV Consortium: a local network to increase HPV awareness and vaccine coverage


Vaccination against HPV in France has been recommended since 2007 for girls and since 2019 for boys aged 11 to 14  years (with catch-up vaccination possible up to 19  years of age). At the end of 2022, coverage for the full HPV vaccination schedule in France was around 48% among girls aged 16 years, well below the goal of 80% stipulated in the French national cancer plan for the period 2021 to 2025. The introduction of an HPV vaccination program in schools was requested in February 2023 by the President of France, and launched by the Ministry of Health in October 2023. The program will introduce HPV vaccination for girls and boys at the age of 12-13 in French secondary schools, and is based on successful models implemented in several other European countries.

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HPW World: the Newsletter on HPV


PROTECT-EUROPE is officially collaborating with HPV World, the online newsletter completely dedicated to the human papillomavirus. The project is devoted to generating a summary of the results of complex research areas of clinical relevance in a reader-friendly manner, with ample dissemination in the professional networks and interactive features. The newsletter is widely available in open access and is distributed electronically. Interested readers can join by registering on the official website.

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HPV World - Bridging Gaps in HPV Prevention: The HPV Prevention Policy Atlas as a Vital Communication Tool


The HPV Prevention Policy Atlas provides invaluable insights into the state of HPV prevention across the European region: it evaluates countries' policies in primary prevention (vaccination), secondary prevention (screening), and online information dissemination; and serves as a crucial means of communication, calling for action where needed.


HPV World - Interview with K Canfell - Part II


In the context of the WHO cervical cancer elimination campaign (90% vaccination, 70% HPV screening, 90% treatment), which are important proposals related to HPV vaccination: required levels of female vaccine coverage? Added value of including routine vaccination of boys? Predictions on the protection afforded by one-dose vaccination?

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HPV World - Interview with K Canfell - Part I


Simulation models are essential to understand the future impact of cancer control interventions, especially when primary data are limited or long-term follow-up is lacking. Models are still perceived by some as too speculative to inform clinical decisions, but there is emerging understanding of the important role of comprehensive models.

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HPV World - Strengthening HPV Vaccination Coverage, Data Quality, and Communication in Europe with project PERCH


Although highly preventable through HPV vaccination and screening, cervical cancer remains a significant public health concern in Europe. In 2020, according to data from the Global Cancer Observatory, it was the 9th most common female cancer in Europe, with approximately 58,169 new cases and 25,989 deaths. Although HPV vaccines have been available since 2006, both introduction and coverage still do not reach optimal levels. These disparities highlight the urgent need to address the prevention and management of cervical cancer in Europe. In an effort to address preventable cervical cancers and other HPV-related cancers and health-disparities, the European PartnERship to Contrast HPV (PERCH) was funded as a Joint Action project by the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA) in November 2022.

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HPV World: Interventions that improve HPV vaccination uptake and intention: an umbrella review summary


When looking at studies about vaccination uptake, we found that various methods were used to encourage people to be vaccinated. These methods included things like educational programmes, using technology to provide information, sending reminders, and offering rewards or incentives to individuals. In the educational programmes, some of the important things that affected their impact were the timing of the intervention, how information was given and who gave it. Other ways of encouraging people to get vaccinated involved a combination of approaches, with strategies involving healthcare providers (professional education, using electronic health record reminders, vaccination coordinators, making home visits, using health information technology systems, nurse directives or protocols regarding HPV and having pre-written consent forms ready), public health initiatives and radio broadcasts which looked to effect change at both organisational and community level.

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