This concise leaflet highlights the 10 most crucial recommendations for healthcare professionals involved in HPV vaccination. It provides clear, actionable guidance to help HCPs communicate effectively with young people and their parents or carers, addressing key barriers and promoting informed decision-making. The leaflet covers best practices in patient communication, understanding cultural sensitivities, and strategies for building vaccine confidence.
DownloadBridging the Gap: Enhancing HPV (Human Papillomavirus) Education to Combat Rising Cancer Rates
Human papillomavirus (HPV) infections are sexually transmitted and contribute significantly to the spread of cancers in both men and women, including oropharyngeal and cervical cancers. The shortcomings of the current preventative strategies are becoming increasingly obvious, underscoring the need for new approaches, especially in the area of health education. Information accessibility, cultural appropriateness, proper management of information accuracy, and the spread of misinformation are emerging as critical focal points for improving the situation. This health policy research review evaluates contributing factors, such as HPV policies, health literacy levels, cultural barriers, healthcare provider-to-patient education, school health education programs, and current awareness campaigns. Based on these findings, the study highlights the most effective strategy for providing actionable information to improve public health: a community-based, multifaceted, but integrated approach to HPV education. To achieve this goal, healthcare provider recommendations are absolutely critical in influencing vaccine decisions. Furthermore, physical and online information materials must be designed at the appropriate reading level, with cultural considerations in mind, and screened to aid comprehension and prevent the spread of misconceptions, stigmas, and misinformation.
Visit websiteVideo - Equity in HPV Vaccination: Bridging Gaps and Ensuring Inclusivity
This short video for social media explains how to correctly promote better and more equitable practices in HPV vaccination that can be implemented by public health authorities and organisations in the sector.
Visit websiteVideo - Unveiling Online Misinformation - Combatting HPV Vaccine Myths
This short promotional video for social media explains how to better combat misinformation and false information about vaccines and HPV.
Visit websiteVideo - Webinar 1: Strengthening Trust
The first PROTECT-EUROPE webinar covers evidence-based recommendations for health-care professionals on improving professional knowledge and providing relevant information for HPV vaccination, including the best skills and strategies for effective communication.
Visit websiteFactsheet - HPV Vaccination Data
A factsheet covering research done by the Consortium member ThingYoung on key vaccination insights among young people in Europe.
DownloadFactsheet - Understanding Vaccine Misinformation
A factsheet covering how online vaccine misinformation works and how it can be prevented.
DownloadPoster - How to Address Vaccine Hesitancy
A poster outlining the most common determinants of vaccine hesitancy among the general audience.
DownloadPoster - Certain Cancers Can be Prevented
A poster with suggested recommendations for healthcare professionals on best practices in vaccine communication.