HPV A Virus We Can Beat - accelerating progress on HPV related cancer elminination in the era of COVID 19
04.03.2021 CHEVirtual event

Mar 2021
To commemorate International HPV Awareness Day, this IPVS hosted high level panel event brought together global experts and advocates to share perspectives on the opportunities and challenges that exist to accelerate progress against HPV-related cancer in the era of COVID-19.
International HPV Awareness Day 2021 highlights hat it takes ALL of us to beat HPV. Our virtual panel event at 4pm CET on March 4th brought together diverse expertise and perspectives from scientists, policy makers, advocates and survivors of HPV related cancer to answer the question - 'How can we accelearate progress against HPV related cancer in the era of COVID 19?'
If you missed the live event you can watch a full recording of the panel.
Moderator - Rageh Omaar, ITV News International Affairs Editor
Panel Host - Dr Joel Palefsky, Chair of the International HPV Awareness Campaign
Dr Princess Nothembe Simelela, Assistant Director-General for Family, Women, Children and Adolescents, WHO
Prof Margaret Stanley, President IPVS
Dr Satish Gopal, Director Center for Global Health, National Cancer Institute
Patti Murillo Caso, Cervical Cancer Survivor, Advocate, Founder of anewcamino.com and member of Women to Women Program, NY Presbyterian Hospital
Peter Baker, Director of Global Action on Men's Health and HPV Vaccination Advocate
Event Start Time
Event start: 16:00 Geneva on 04.03.2021
Event finish: 17:00 Geneva on 04.03.2021
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