HPV Affects Everyone: how can we build alliances to tackle it together?
04.03.2025 - 04.02.2025 Virtual event Webinar

Mar 2025
GET READY FOR International HPV Awareness Day (IHAD) on Tuesday March 4th!
Hosted by the International Papillomavirus Society (IPVS), the Live Panel Event on March 4th has become a highlight on the global health calendar as stakeholders from around the world come together to commemorate HPV Awareness Day. The engaging virtual event provides an opportunity for clinicians, healthcare professionals, implementation specialists and patient advocates to engage with an expert panel for an interactive discussion of key challenges and opportunities around HPV awareness and related disease prevention.
This year our panel of experts is exploring the potential for inclusive approaches to HPV awareness and alliance-building between communities, as a key strategy to reduce the impact of HPV-related cancer.
Key topics to discuss:
o Challenges and benefits of an inclusive approach towards HPV awareness
o How engaging with diverse communities could help to address common misperceptions and misinformation around HPV
o Engaging men in HPV dialogue and advocacy
o Balancing inclusive strategies with a focus on communities most at need
Panel Host: Dr Joel Palefsky, IPVS, USA
Moderator & Panelists – to be announced soon
Our expert panel will share their perspectives around questions like these:
What are the benefits and challenges of adopting an inclusive approach to HPV awareness that go beyond traditional sex/gender frameworks?
What are some of the most common misperceptions and misinformation around HPV? How can taking an approach that goes beyond the traditional focus on women help us to address those?
What strategies can we use to engage men more effectively in dialogue and advocacy around HPV to enhance prevention of HPV-related cancer for the women in their lives and for themselves?
Is there evidence that inclusivity across sex and gender in messaging has benefits for HPV prevention efforts?
How can we ensure that broadening inclusion in prevention efforts don’t unintentionally increase inequalities or slow progress toward global cancer goals, especially given the disproportionate burden on women?
Event Start Time
Event start: 4:00PM on 04.03.2025
Event finish: 5:00PM on 04.02.2025
Event Registration
Event Contact
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