HPV awareness resources
29.05.2020 HPV Awareness
Around the world our partners, and the wider public health community, are working to raise awareness of HPV, HPV-related cancer and the steps that the public can take to prevent and manage their risks. Here you will find links to resources from our partners that you can use to help in the development of local information and resources. If you have resources to share please send them to our website team and we will share them here.
‘Jabs for the Boys’ explains how HPV (human papillomavirus) affects boys and men. It offers advice and guidance to the parents of boys, boys themselves and adult men about the pros and cons of HPV vaccination to help make the decision about whether to have the vaccination and where to get it.
The HPW online journal dedicated to disseminating messages on HPV with clinical relevance and to make them openly accessible. The edition published to inaugurate International HPV Awareness Day contains useful data and information to support global advocacy efforts